TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6900 Adoption Preparation and Support Services :: 6926 Preparing the Child’s Records for Presentation to Prospective Adoptive Parents

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6900 Adoption Preparation and Support Services :: 6926 Preparing the Child’s Records for Presentation to Prospective Adoptive Parents

Texas Law requires that DFPS provide a redacted copy of the case record to the potential adoptive parent before the adoption placement.

Texas Family Code §§162.005External Link, 162.006External Link, 162.008External Link

Case Record Redaction

The caseworker must prepare the child’s case record for redaction, according to Records Management Group (RMG) protocol, once all parental rights are terminated.

The caseworker must:

  •   ensure the file is up to date before redaction; and

  •   ensure all external documents are scanned.

For additional information on redaction policies see the Records Management Group Handbook 3000 Disclosure of DFPS Records, and 3200 Request for Records for the Purpose of Adoption.

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