TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7100 Inquiries and Initial Applications :: 7122 Topics of Information Meetings

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7100 Inquiries and Initial Applications :: 7122 Topics of Information Meetings

All information meetings must provide:

 •   DFPS philosophy, organizational structure, and policies;

 •   a description of the services and programs offered;

 •   demographics of children in the local area who need placement;

 •   general information about the foster and adoption process;

 •   the basic requirements of foster and adoptive parents;

 •   an overview of the applicable rules found in the Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies;

 •   an opportunity for prospective foster and adoptive parents and their families to ask questions;

 •   DFPS's goal to recruit foster and adoptive parents for all children in care; and 

•   information about disproportionality and the need for targeted recruitment of foster and adoptive parents for African American children.

The FAD worker must ensure that:

 •   all attendees have signed Form 2171 Information Meeting Sign-In Sheet; and

 •   a copy of this sheet is placed in each foster or adoptive family's case file before the pre-service training starts.

Race, Color, or National Origin

When DFPS conducts a targeted recruitment for foster and adoptive parents for African American children, all interested persons should be encouraged, not only African American individuals. FAD staff must ensure the use of race, color, and national origin (RCNO) in the placement process is prohibited, except in limited, individualized circumstances.

In those rare occasions where the race, color, or national origin (RCNO) of a child or a prospective foster or adoptive family may be considered, the decision to consider this must be consistent with federal law and mutually agreed upon by:

 •   the child's caseworker;

 •   the caseworker's supervisor;

 •   the FAD worker for the family; and

 •   the FAD supervisor.

A program director must approve the final decision.


4115 Prohibited Considerations Based on Race, Color, or National Origin

Appendix 4115: Information to Consider About Race, Color, and National Origin (RCNO) in Placement Decisions

6931.3 Race, Color, or National Origin

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