TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7200 Screening Applicants for Foster Care and Adoption :: 7210 Reasons for Screening Applicants for Foster Care and Adoption

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7200 Screening Applicants for Foster Care and Adoption :: 7210 Reasons for Screening Applicants for Foster Care and Adoption

The FAD worker must ensure that every applicant to become a foster or adoptive parent, whether married or single, possesses the qualifications and abilities necessary to protect, care for, and nurture abused or neglected children.

Screening Prospective Foster Parents

The FAD worker must screen prospective foster parents to ensure that they have the ability to:

 •   meet a child's immediate and short-term needs for health, education, and social and emotional development, as identified in the child's service plan;

 •   meet Licensing's Minimum Standards for agency foster family homes; and

 •   become familiar with the DFPS foster care system.

Screening Prospective Adoptive Parents

The FAD worker must screen and evaluate persons applying to become adoptive parents to ensure that they are suitable to adopt a child and can meet not only a child's short-term needs, but also the child's long-term need for a supportive family.

DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §749.107(5)

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