TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7200 Screening Applicants for Foster Care and Adoption :: 7222 Age and Finances

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7200 Screening Applicants for Foster Care and Adoption :: 7222 Age and Finances

The FAD worker must ensure all foster and adoptive parent applicants are at least 21 years old and financially stable.

State law prohibits FAD from doing either of the following:

  • Setting a maximum age for any prospective adoptive parent.
  • Setting a maximum age differential between a child and any prospective adoptive parent.

FAD may consider the health and expected lifespan of each prospective adoptive parent when determining the best interest of a child.

Although there are no specific income requirements, the FAD worker must ensure applicants have both of the following:

  • Income to meet a child's basic material needs before reimbursement.
  • Ability to manage their income.

The FAD worker must evaluate income based on the applicant's ability to do the following:

  • Manage money, in both the past and the present.
  • Meet the family's financial needs.
  • Meet the foster or adoptive child's additional financial needs.

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