The FAD worker must submit variances and waivers for all applicants and verified or approved homes through IMPACT, to be approved by the FAD supervisor and then forwarded to the FAD program director. The FAD program director signs off on the request, at which time the request is forwarded to the Child-Care Licensing Automation System (CLASS). The request is then forwarded to the RCCL staff assigned to regulate the CPS region requesting the waiver or variance.
RCCL requires that a separate request be made for each minimum standard rule section number for which a waiver or variance is being requested. If requesting a waiver or variance, the FAD worker completes the variance or waiver form in IMPACT.
The FAD worker must:
• list the minimum standard rule section number for which the waiver or variance is being requested;
• list the name of the caregiver for whom the waiver or variance is being sought (if the request applies to a particular child or children, list each child's name and date of birth);
• specifically describe how the home does not, or would not, meet the minimum standard and why;
• state how long the waiver or variance is needed (specify a month, day, and year);
• provide justification for why this length of time is being requested;
• describe how child safety will be impacted if RCCL grants the request, and how the purpose of the standard will be met through other means;
• describe how FAD or the home will ensure the children's health and safety if the request is granted; and
• identify steps FAD or the home will take to meet this minimum standard by the time the waiver or variance expires.
If the request is for a waiver, the FAD worker must describe why it is not economically practical for the home to comply with this minimum standard. The FAD worker must include a cost estimate in the request.
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