TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7600 Developing Foster and Adoptive Homes :: 7625 Temporary Verifications

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7600 Developing Foster and Adoptive Homes :: 7625 Temporary Verifications

Temporary verifications allow a foster family that moves to a new home, or that moves a mobile home to a new location, to continue caring for foster children who were placed in their verified home before the move. Temporary verifications are short-term, non-renewable, and may only be issued for a maximum of six months. They provide foster families with a period of time to obtain all required health and fire inspections and to comply with all applicable Minimum Standards at their new residence.

Foster families who receive temporary verifications are expected to obtain all required inspections as soon as practical after their move. They may not receive any new placements during the time that they are under a temporary verification.

The FAD worker must evaluate the foster home if a foster family moves to a new residence or relocates a mobile home. The FAD worker must ensure the family submits a new floor plan of the home along with sketches or photos of the outside areas showing buildings, driveways, fences, storage areas, gardens, recreation areas, pools, ponds, or other bodies of water.

The FAD worker must not provide a verified home with a temporary verification if there are no placements in the home at the time of the move. The FAD worker cannot use temporary verifications to change verification conditions of the home, such as the number, age, or gender of children placed, or services provided.

The FAD worker may only issue a temporary verification after:

  •   the FAD worker inspects the new residence;

  •   the FAD worker determines that the new residence meets the Minimum Standards, including all health and safety, environment, space and equipment standards;

  •   the FAD supervisor reviews and approves the temporary verification by signing and dating it.

If all Minimum Standards have been met, the FAD worker must document in the home's quarterly assessment that it is no longer under temporary verification.

Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies, 40 TAC §§749.2520 – 749.2531

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