TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7600 Developing Foster and Adoptive Homes :: 7626.1 Development Plans

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7600 Developing Foster and Adoptive Homes :: 7626.1 Development Plans

During all home visits, the FAD worker must evaluate a foster family's need for skill enhancement to help them build their foster parenting skills. This need for skill enhancement is often referred to as a developmental need.

If the FAD worker identifies a developmental need for a family, such as more childhood development training, the FAD worker must document it on the family's quarterly assessment and discuss it with the family. The discussion with the family must cover the need for a Development Plan.

The FAD worker and the FAD supervisor consult to determine the need for a Development Plan. The Development Plan identifies tasks that will help the family enhance their foster parenting skills. The FAD worker must create the plan in IMPACT and include:

  •   family strengths;

  •   skills to be enhanced;

  •   a task list for foster parents and time frames for completing the tasks; and

  •   a task list for the FAD worker and time frames for completing the tasks.

The FAD supervisor and FAD worker must sign the Development Plan. The FAD worker must discuss the plan with the family and provide a copy to them for review and signature. The FAD worker must file the original signed document in the family's case record.

The FAD worker must review and discuss the family's Development Plan during subsequent supervisory visits, until the tasks listed on the Development Plan are complete and the FAD worker and FAD supervisor determine that a Development Plan is no longer necessary.

The FAD worker must document the family's progress in completing the Development Plan tasks on the family's Quarterly Assessment Narrative.

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