TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7600 Developing Foster and Adoptive Homes :: 7645.2 Suicide Risk Screening

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 7600 Developing Foster and Adoptive Homes :: 7645.2 Suicide Risk Screening

When to Administer the Screening

For children receiving foster care services, the FAD caseworker or FAD foster parent must administer the ASQ Youth Suicide Risk Screening ToolPDF DocumentExternal Link at the following times:

  • For each child age 10 or older – at admission into the foster home and again every 90 days after admission.
  • For any child younger than age 10 who has a history of suicide attempts or suicidal thoughts – at admission into the foster home and any time when the child’s parent, foster parent, adoptive parent, or DFPS requests it.
  • For any child of any age in foster care or in an adoptive placement – immediately, if the child exhibits warning signs that necessitate a suicide screening, including when requested by the foster parent or adoptive parent.

How to Administer the Screening

The screening must be documented in the child’s case record. It must be performed in a manner that protects the child’s privacy. The screening must be administered verbally (not in writing); it may be in person, by phone, or by video.

How to Use the Results of the Screening

The screening finds the child to be at high risk for suicide if the child answers “yes” to any of the questions on the screening.

If the child answers “yes” to question 1, 2, 3, or 4 (but not to question 5) on the ASQ Youth Suicide Risk Screening Tool, the following steps must occur immediately:

  • The FAD caseworker or FAD parent must refer the child to a mental health professional for a suicide risk assessment.
  • The FAD caseworker and FAD parent must develop a suicide prevention and intervention plan (as described in 7645.3 Suicide Prevention and Intervention Planning).

If the child answers “yes” to question 5 on the ASQ Youth Suicide Risk Screening Tool, the following steps must occur immediately:

  • The FAD caseworker or FAD parent must make sure the child receives medical attention within 24 hours.
  • The FAD caseworker and FAD parent must develop a suicide prevention and intervention plan (as described in 7645.3 Suicide Prevention and Intervention Planning).


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