If placing a child for intermittent alternate care (IAC):
• the appropriate FAD staff must notify the child's caseworker;
• the FAD supervisor must approve the service authorization for the agreed length of time of IAC (see 7935.1 Requiring Prior Service Authorization to Ensure Payment of IAC Services);
• the FAD worker must negotiate and document the dates of IAC services between the foster family and IAC provider, including pick-up and drop-off times;
• the FAD worker must ensure that the IAC provider receives completed forms:
• Form 2084 [sic, broken link]Word Document Declaration of Service Provided Foster Parent Intermittent Alternate Care (IAC);
• Form 2085RCWord Document Intermittent Alternate Care Provider Instructions;
• Form 2085RWord Document Placement Authorization for Intermittent Alternate Care; and
• the FAD worker must ensure that the IAC provider has emergency contact information for the foster family, the child's CVS caseworker, the FAD worker, and the Statewide Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline.
The FAD worker must ensure that the foster parent will provide transportation to the IAC provider's home unless other arrangements have been made with the provider, the child's CVS caseworker, or the FAD worker.
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