Purchased services are services provided by local businesses and other outside entities under contract with DFPS. DFPS purchases services to:
• provide clients with protective services that would not be available otherwise; and
• support and expand DFPS's capacity to serve the community.
Staff must perform specific tasks and observe standards of ethical conduct when providing purchased services.
The Purchased Client Services (PCS) staff must:
• receive a regional or state office determination, as applicable, that:
• the service needs to be provided by contract, and
• sufficient funds exist to contract for the service;
• establish a written contract for providing the services in the client's location, unless otherwise specified in the description of the service;
• work with DFPS staff specifically authorized to approve contracts for child protective services, before negotiating with or committing to a contractor; and
• refuse any form of compensation, gifts, or benefits from a contractor, as required by law.
Texas Government Code, §572.051External Link, Standards of Conduct
To authorize the purchase of services for children in another region, see:
8165 Interregional Service — Authorization
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