TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 8200 Direct Services for Active Cases :: 8242.12 Identifying Available Services for Psychosocial Assessment

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 8200 Direct Services for Active Cases :: 8242.12 Identifying Available Services for Psychosocial Assessment

The psychosocial assessment available by contract must include the:

 •  reason for referral. This is a summary of the individual’s involvement with CPS and the caseworker’s needs and concerns;

 •  current status. This is a description of the individual’s current emotional and interpersonal functioning and problems (including information about pertinent family, health, legal, educational, and vocational functioning);

 •  history. This is a summary of the individual’s history in regard to issues described above (in current status);

 •  formulation or clinical summary:

  • If the individual is a parent, a statement of the adequacy of the individual’s parenting skills (strengths and weaknesses),
  • If the individual is a child, a statement of the adequacy of the individual’s academic and interpersonal functioning (strengths and weaknesses) as well as the individual’s likely behavior at school, placement, or home;

 •  diagnostic impression, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM); and

 •  recommendations by the clinician of appropriate interventions (as well as typically considered interventions which are not recommended for this individual).

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