TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 8200 Direct Services for Active Cases :: 8242.2 Psychological Testing

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 8200 Direct Services for Active Cases :: 8242.2 Psychological Testing

A caseworker may authorize psychological testing if:

 •  the caseworker suspects the presence of a mental, behavioral, or intellectual and developmental disability;

 •  a licensed clinician who has conducted a psychosocial assessment or a psychiatrist who has conducted a psychiatric evaluation recommends psychological testing;

 •  a copy of a current psychosocial assessment, psychological testing or psychiatric evaluation (conducted with the past 14 months) is not available;

 •  there is no other source of payment, such as Medicaid, private insurance or a community resource; and

 •  a CPS program director has provided approval for the psychological testing; or

 •  the court orders psychological testing.

Testing for Children in DFPS Conservatorship

For children in DFPS conservatorship, caseworkers should continue seeking psychological testing through STAR Health using current processes.

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