TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Appendices :: Appendix 1132.2(a): Steps in Developing a Protective Services Contract

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Appendices :: Appendix 1132.2(a): Steps in Developing a Protective Services Contract

  1. Discuss the needs and activities of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) with county officials.
  2. Discuss with county commissioners and the county judge the provisions of the contract.
  3. Ask the county officials to sign Section C of the contract outline.
  4. Send both of the following to the Office of the Chief Operating Officer:
    • The completed contract outline.
    • A copy of the official minutes of the commissioner's court meeting at which the commissioners officially voted to establish a contract with DFPS.
  5. If DFPS and the Office of the General Counsel approve the outline, the Office of the General Counsel prepares a written contract.
  6. Take three copies of the prepared contract to the county officials for signing.
  7. Ask the county officials to appoint a child welfare board.
  8. Return the signed contract to the Office of the Chief Operating Officer, which arranges for the commissioner to sign it.
  9. Give the fully executed contract to the county officials for their files.
  10. Process Form 2012 Contract Registration to arrange for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and state-paid foster care reimbursements to the county.
  11. Provide an orientation for child welfare board members. The orientation includes the following:
    • History and philosophy of child protective services.
    • DFPS's administration.
    • Child welfare board funding and responsibilities.
    • Dynamics of abuse and neglect.
    • Questions of conflict of interest related to activities of child welfare board members who have other roles in relation to DFPS and child protective services.
  12. Request a child welfare board kit from the director of conservatorship at Child Protective Services State Office.

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