TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Appendices :: Appendix 1530-H: Data Broker Verification Procedures

Foster Care Application Scenario

Eligibility Determination

Data Broker Inquiry

Data Broker Inquiry Results

A. Parent reports $0 income or income within AFDC limits but TIERS shows income within or over AFDC limits in the AFDC Eligibility Month.

Use TIERS information to complete application.

No inquiry needed.


B.  Parent reports income over AFDC limits and TIERS has no income information or shows income within AFDC limits in the AFDC Eligibility Month.

Use parent's information to complete application.

No inquiry needed (not IV-E eligible).


C.  Parent reports income over AFDC limits and TIERS shows income over AFDC limits in the AFDC Eligibility Month.

Use TIERS information to complete application.

No inquiry needed (not IV-E eligible).


D.  Parent reports $0 income or income within AFDC limits and TIERS has no income information in the AFDC Eligibility Month.

Use parent's information to complete application.

If Title IV-E eligible, complete inquiry 6 months after certification.

If the Data Broker inquiry verifies income greater than the income reported by the parent or from a different source, process a new application to include this income. If this results in a denial of IV-E eligibility, change the eligibility to State-paid back to the initial date of certification.

E.  Parent reports $0 income or income within AFDC limits but TIERS shows income over AFDC limits not in the AFDC Eligibility Month.

Use parent's information to complete application.

If Title IV-E eligible, complete inquiry 6 months after certification.

If the Data Broker inquiry verifies income greater than the income reported by the parent or from a different source, process a new application to include this income. If this results in a denial of IV-E eligibility, change the eligibility to State-paid back to the initial date of certification.

If the Data Broker inquiry finds no income, contact the caseworker to ask the family about their income for the AFDC Eligibility Month. Put copies of the email to and responses from the caseworker in the eligibility file.

  •  If information shows that parent had income above AFDC limits, process a new application to deny IV-E; or    

  •  If no documentation is received within 30 days, leave application and eligibility as is.

F.  No reported income amounts but application, case documentation, or affidavit mentions that the parent(s) worked or refused to provide income information and the monthly earnings amount in the AFDC Eligibility Month could not be verified through TIERS.

     Follow policy at 1512.2 Unknown Family Income on the Foster Care Assistance Application to obtain income information from the CPS caseworker. 

If parental earnings amount could still not be determined, certify as State-paid eligible.

If all other IV-E requirements are met, complete inquiry 6 months after certification.

  •  If the results from the Data Broker inquiry do not verify the parent's questionable earnings, leave as State-paid eligible.

  •  If the Data Broker inquiry results verify that the parent's earnings plus any other unearned family income is above AFDC limits, leave as State-paid eligible.

  •  If the Data Broker inquiry results verify that the parent's earnings plus any other unearned family income is at or below AFDC limits, process a new application and include the Data Broker income to certify as IV-E eligible. Change the eligibility to Title IV-E back to the initial date of certification.

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