TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Appendices :: Appendix 1533.2: MAO Auto-Eligibility

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Appendices :: Appendix 1533.2: MAO Auto-Eligibility

The IMPACT case management system creates an MAO Auto-Eligibility Event when:

  ·  a child has an open SUB-REG or SUB-C-PB stage in the IMPACT case management system;

  ·  a child does not have an open foster care or adoption assistance type of eligibility in IMPACT; and

  ·  a child's worker enters a child’s placement in IMPACT.

Once a child’s case meets the above requirements, MAO Auto-Eligibility creates an MAO-type eligibility Event in IMPACT. The Start Date of the MAO eligibility is the earlier of the following two dates: the Conservatorship Removal Date (SUB-REG or SUB-C-PB start date) or the Placement Start Date. This action sends a referral from IMPACT to TIERS, the HHSC eligibility determination system, to create an MAO-type of Medicaid in TIERS for the child.

A foster care eligibility specialist must process the foster care eligibility application within the time frames set in 1512 Determining Eligibility. When the eligibility specialist receives all documentation, he or she must end the MAO Auto-Eligibility Event in IMPACT. The End Date must be the same as the MAO Auto-Eligibility Start Date. The new foster care eligibility Event starts on the same day the MAO Auto-Eligibility ended.

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