TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Appendices :: Appendix 6000-3: Requirements for Completing the Health, Social, Educational, and Genetic History Report

The Texas Family Code and the Child-Care Licensing division’s (CCL’s) Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies requires certain information to be included in the Health, Social, Educational, and Genetic History (HSEGH) report.

The caseworker must include each category of information below in the report. If any of the information is unknown, the caseworker must describe the efforts made to locate the information.

Abuse or Neglect

Document the child's physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, if any.

Health History

Document the child's:

  •  current health status;

  •  immunization record; and

  •  birth history, neonatal history, and other medical, dental, psychological, or psychiatric, history, including;

  •  available results and diagnoses of any medical or dental examinations, including whether the child has been diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (Texas Family Code, §162.007(g)External Link defines “fetal alcohol spectrum disorder” as “any of a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy”);

  •  available results and diagnoses of any psychological, psychiatric, or social evaluations;

  •  whether the child’s birth mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy; and

Social History

The caseworker must document information about past and existing relations among the child and the child’s siblings, birth parents, extended family members, and other persons who have had physical possession of or legal access to the child.

Educational History

The caseworker must document:

  •  the child's enrollment and performance in educational institutions;

  •  the results of the child's educational testing and standardized tests; and

  •  the child's special educational needs, if any.

Family History

The caseworker must document information about the child’s birth parents, maternal and paternal grandparents, other children born to either of the child’s birth parents, and extended family members. Documentation must include, for each of these persons, their:

  •  health and medical history, including any information obtained in the medical history report and information regarding genetic diseases or disorders;

  •  current health status;

  •  cause of and age of death, if deceased;

  •  height, weight, eye, and hair color;

  •  nationality and ethnic backgrounds;

  •  general levels of educational and professional achievements;

  •  religious backgrounds;

  •  results of any psychological, psychiatric, or social evaluations, including the date of any such evaluation, any diagnosis, and a summary of any findings;

  •  any criminal conviction record relating to the following:

  •  a misdemeanor or felony classified as an offense against the person or family;

  •  a misdemeanor or felony classified as public indecency; or

  •  a felony violation of a statute intended to control the possession or distribution of a substance included in the Texas Controlled Substances Act; and

  •  any information necessary to determine whether the child is entitled to, or otherwise eligible for, state or federal financial, medical, or other assistance.

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