The case review system assures that each child in substitute care has a case plan designed to achieve placement in the least restrictive (most family-like), safest, and most appropriate setting available that is in close proximity to the parents’ home, accounting for the best interest and special needs of the child.
The case review system also provides assurances that the case plan is followed including that the child's placement in foster care takes into account proximity to the school in which the child is enrolled at the time of the placement. The case review system also addresses why a child is placed a substantial distance from the parents or in a different state, the case review system addresses (i) why such placement is in the child’s best interest, and (ii) ensures if the child is placed out-of-state, that a caseworker visits the child monthly and provides a report to DFPS at least every six months, if applicable.
42 U.S.C. §§675(1)&(5)
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