TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Protocol for Care Coordination :: When Child or Youth is Recovered/Returns :: Recovery/Return after Regular Business Hours

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: Protocol for Care Coordination :: When Child or Youth is Recovered/Returns :: Recovery/Return after Regular Business Hours

This section, identifies the Recovery/Return tasks for:  

  • On-Call staff to complete before On-Call shift ends, and  
  • Primary CVS and SI staff to complete within the First Two Business Days of an On-Call Recovery.   

On the third business day after an On-Call Recovery, Primary CVS and SI staff must complete all subsequent tasks found in Recovery/Return during regular business hours section.  

On-call CPI Investigations will be responsible for contacting: 

  1. On-call CVS, and   
  2. On-call SIPD for SI assignment. 

On-Call CVS or On-Call SI will: 

  1. Respond to a child or youth’s location to: 
    1. Assess the child or youth’s physical, and crisis needs, and emergent needs; 
    2. Determine appropriate timing/location/interviewer (LE/SI/CAC) for recovery interview.  
  2. Prior to End of On-Call shift, notify correct law enforcement jurisdiction(s), and NCMEC of child or youth’s recovery.   

On-call CVS worker will: 

  1. Refer to Recovery Plan for guidance regarding interventions and services for confirmed victims of trafficking, if one exists. 
  2. Seek appropriate services, and 
  3. Seek and complete placement.   
  4. On the day of placement or by 7pm next calendar day, update the placement status in IMPACT.  
  5. Prior to End of On-Call shift, notify all identified required parties of youth’s recovery. (See Notification, page 11) 
  6. Prior to End of On-Call shift, ensure Primary CVS Worker and Chain of Command, including RDA are informed of youth’s recovery. 

Primary CVS worker will: 

  1. On First Business Day, confirm On-call notification tasks were completed.  
  2. On First Business Day, notify CCT and or HT/CSEY Advocate Agency that a child or youth has been recovered.  

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