TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 10000 SWI Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Intake Screening :: 10520 Downgrading Intakes for Closure without Investigation

TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 10000 SWI Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Intake Screening :: 10520 Downgrading Intakes for Closure without Investigation

Intakes cannot be downgraded to a Priority None (PN) report for closure without further investigation, unless there is an approval through consultation with a screener supervisor. The screener does as follows before an intake can be downgraded without investigation:

  • Makes phone contact with the reporter.
  • Reviews history.
  • Enters into IMPACT the information obtained.

The screener sends a manual notification to DFPS and HHSC routing coordinators, and to the CVS or SSCC caseworker and his or her supervisor for children in DFPS conservatorship, when the intake was made a PN.

The screener is responsible for contacting SWI for a reentry to ensure that the intake is sent to the correct agency when an intake is closed due to lack of jurisdiction. The screener documents the report ID number of the reentered report.

See 2850 Reentering Reports (Reentry).

Downgrading an Abuse or Neglect Intake to Priority None (PN)

RCCI screeners use only two Priority None (PN) codes. A screener supervisor may approve downgrading an intake to a PN in either of the following situations:

  • If the information in the intake contains the same allegations, perpetrators, and incidents addressed in a previous case, the PN Reason Code is Allegations addressed in previous case.
  • If RCCI does not have jurisdiction over the facility, the PN Reason Code is Other Agency/Out of State.

See 10400 Consulting (Staffing).

Exceptions for Closing an Intake without Investigation

An RCCI supervisor contacts a screener supervisor to discuss an intake in the following situation:

  • An on-call RCCI investigator or supervisor is responsible for screening an intake outside of business hours.
  • The on-call RCCI investigator or supervisor receives an intake and discovers that it meets either of the following criteria:
    • The exact same allegations were previously investigated.
    • The facility is not under RCCI jurisdiction.

In the situation described above, the screener supervisor assigns the intake to a screener for further review to determine if the intake can be downgraded to a PN.

See 10830 Screening Outside of Business Hours.

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