TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 10000 SWI Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Intake Screening :: 10730 Home History Review (HHR)

TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 10000 SWI Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Intake Screening :: 10730 Home History Review (HHR)

A Home History Review (HHR) provides a CVS or SSCC caseworker with information to determine the safety and appropriateness of the foster home for children in DFPS conservatorship placed in the home. If the screener downgrades an intake to a PN, the screener completes an HHR within 24 hours of receiving the intake.

DFPS ensures consistency with the review and reporting process, enabling caseworkers and supervisors to have clear, concise, and detailed information about any history on a foster home.

The HHR is an extensive review of the foster home history. There are exceptions when an HHR is not necessary based on the safety and appropriateness of the foster home. An HHR is not required in the following situations:

  • The foster home is closed.
  • There are not children in DFPS conservatorship residing in the foster home.

The screener does as follows, after he or she downgrades an investigation of abuse or neglect in a foster home to a PN:

  • Reviews the foster home’s history of abuse or neglect investigations and compliance with minimum standards.
  • Writes a detailed summary of the home’s history.
  • Emails the report to the following people:
    • The CVS or SSCC caseworker for each child placed in the home.
    • Each caseworker’s supervisor, regional chain of command, and regional or SSCC compliance mailboxes.

If the PN is issued outside normal business hours, the screener also notifies the on-call caseworker and on-call supervisor for the child’s legal region. The on-call caseworker and on-call supervisor perform an immediate safety assessment.

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