TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 3000 Information & Referral (I&R) Reports :: 3330 In Regards To

TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 3000 Information & Referral (I&R) Reports :: 3330 In Regards To

The intake specialist completes the In Regards To field for information and referral (I&R) reports whenever possible. This information is helpful to anyone searching for an I&R through the Report Log.

If the I&R type is:Then the In Regards To is:
I&R CVS Caseworker NotificationThe same as the case name for the open SUB stage for the child of concern.
  • I&R to existing APS case
  • I&R to existing APS-PI case
  • I&R to existing CPS case
  • I&R to existing DCL case
  • I&R to existing RCL case
The same as the case name of the open case to which the intake specialist is sending the I&R.
  • DCL Standards Compliance
  • RCL Standards Compliance
The name of the facility, in-home day care provider, or child placing agency (for a foster home).
AFC Client Rights/Fac Admn IssuesThe name of the client.
  • Matter Referred On
  • Non-FPS Criminal Matter Referred to Law
  • Referred to HHSC

The name of the client or oldest child victim.

If the name of the client or victim is unknown, then use the name of the alleged perpetrator. For school reports, use the school personnel named as the alleged perpetrator.

Clearly not reportable-re: children

The name of the parent or managing conservator.

If the parent or managing conservator’s name is unknown, use the name of the child.

  • Chronic caller
  • Clearly not reportable-re: elder/disabled adult
The name of the adult.
Call Back (EBC Use Only)The name of the person called.
Refused to ReportThe name of the adult or child victim, if known. If not available, leave it blank.
Other Business CallLeave blank unless it is an out-of-state request for case history. See Out-of-State (OOS) Agency Requests for DFPS Basic History Check [sic, intranet link] on the DFPS intranet.

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