TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS) :: 4711.1 CPI Out-of-State Table

TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS) :: 4711.1 CPI Out-of-State Table

The intake specialist uses the following table to determine how to assess a report that meets the Texas legal definition of abuse or neglect and involves either of the following:

  • Someone who lives out of state.
  • An incident that occurs out of state.

In the table, “Out of State” refers to anywhere outside Texas, including other countries.

A child’s primary residence is usually with the managing conservator. The child’s primary residence remains the state that initiated the placement (sending state) when the child is placed through an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) agreement.

If the child is traveling from one place to another, and the child’s current location or destination is in Texas, then the intake specialist uses the Texas location as the child’s location.

When another state has an active investigation, the out-of-state caseworker may contact SWI to request a home visit or courtesy interview. The intake specialist does not use the table in this situation, because that state is already investigating the allegations. See 4822 CRSR – Out of State (C-OS).


The intake specialist usually does not send a report of child abuse or neglect to any agency, including to programs equivalent to CPI in other states or countries, if both of the following are true:

  • The reporter is anonymous.
  • The report falls under CPI’s jurisdiction, if the incident happened in Texas.

See 2122 Anonymous Reporters.

If other information in the report does not meet the Texas legal definition of abuse or neglect, the intake specialist considers whether to send it to a program equivalent to CPI in another state or country. If the intake specialist sends this information to a program equivalent to CPI in another state or country, the intake specialist does as follows:

  • If information that meets the Texas legal definition of child abuse or neglect from an anonymous reporter is directly relevant to the report faxed to the other agency or program, the intake specialist includes it in the I&R Matter Referred On or CRSR-Request for Local Public Service.
  • If information that meets the Texas legal definition of child abuse or neglect from an anonymous reporter is not directly relevant to the report faxed to the other agency or program, the intake specialist completes and closes a separate I&R of the most appropriate type without the New Using function.


     3180 Refused to Report

     3150 Clearly Not Reportable

     3173 Matter Referred On

CPI Out-of-State Table
Scenario NumberChild’s Primary ResidenceChild’s Current LocationAP’s Primary ResidenceWhere Incident OccurredSWI ActionReasons for Action
1TexasTexasTexasOut of StateIntake to county where child lives.The child’s primary residence is Texas.
2TexasTexasOut of StateTexas or Out of StateIntake to county where child lives.The child’s primary residence is Texas.
3TexasOut of StateTexasTexas or Out of StateIntake to county where child lives.The child’s primary residence is Texas, and the child may be at risk if he or she returns to Texas where the AP lives.
4TexasOut of StateOut of StateTexas or Out of StateIntake to county where child lives.The child’s primary residence is Texas.
5Out of StateTexasTexasTexas or Out of StateIntake to county where child is located.The AP lives in Texas, and the child is currently in Texas.
6Out of StateTexasOut of StateTexasIntake to county where child is located.Incident occurred in Texas, and the child is currently in Texas.
7Out of StateOut of StateTexasTexasIntake to county where AP lives.Incident occurred in Texas, and the AP lives in Texas.
8Out of StateTexasOut of StateOut of State

One of the following:

One of the following:

  • Incident occurred out of state. The AP and the child are not Texas residents. The AP may or may not have immediate access to the child.

Regardless of access, there is no current safety threat to the child.

  • The AP and the child both live out of state, but the AP and the child are both currently in Texas. There are concerns about severe abuse or neglect posing an immediate threat to the child’s safety.
9Out of StateOut of StateTexasOut of StateI&R Matter Referred On

Incident occurred out of state, and the child is not a Texas resident and is currently away from the AP’s residence.

No Texas CPI action, unless the other state’s protective services agency requests it.

10Out of StateOut of StateOut of StateOut of State

Two I&Rs:

The AP and the child both live out of state, and the child is not currently in Texas.
11Out of StateOut of StateOut of StateTexas

Two I&Rs:

Both of the following:

  • The AP and the child both live out of state, and the child is not currently in Texas. No Texas CPI action, unless the other state’s protective services agency requests it.
  • Texas law enforcement has jurisdiction.
Scenario NumberChild’s Primary ResidenceChild’s Current LocationAP’s Primary ResidenceWhere Incident OccurredSWI ActionReasons for Action

If a child is the subject of an ICPC agreement (either a Texas child placed in another state or another state’s child is placed in Texas), see 4711.3 Child in an Out-of-State Placement, Including ICPC, Alleges Abuse or Neglect.

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