TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS) :: 4561.22 Incident in a Kinship Setting

TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS) :: 4561.22 Incident in a Kinship Setting

If the incident involves a child in DFPS conservatorship and supports an intake, the intake specialist first determines which program has jurisdiction over the kinship home. See 4720 Determining CPI or RCCI Jurisdiction for a Child in a Relative or Fictive Kin Placement. The situation may require one or more of the following:

If the incident involves a child in DFPS conservatorship but does not support an intake, the intake specialist completes an I&R to Existing CPS Case.

Breakdown of Kinship Placement

The intake specialist completes an I&R to Existing CPS Case if all of the following are true:

  • A child is in a kinship placement.
  • The child is in DFPS conservatorship.
  • There is an open SUB stage.
  • The kinship caregiver reports he or she can no longer care for the child.
  • There are no allegations of abuse or neglect by the caregiver.

The intake specialist completes an intake only if there is no open SUB stage and the kinship caregiver reports he or she can no longer care for the child. The kinship caregiver does not have a legal obligation to the child. Therefore, he or she cannot be an AP for abandonment (ABAN), RAPR, or NSUP in these situations. The intake specialist does the following:

  • Completes a CPI intake with the biological or legal parent as the alleged perpetrator (AP).
  • Assesses for an allegation of refusal to assume parental responsibility (RAPR) or neglectful supervision (NSUP), depending on the circumstances of the case.

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