TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS) :: 4561.23 Incident in a Residential Child Care Setting

TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS) :: 4561.23 Incident in a Residential Child Care Setting

Residential Child Care Regulation (RCCR) notifies CPS when a child in DFPS conservatorship is mentioned in an RCCI intake or an I&R RCL Standards Compliance.

If the incident supports an intake, the intake specialist completes both of the following:

  • An RCCI intake.
  • An I&R CVS Caseworker Notification.

If the incident does not support an intake, the intake specialist completes one of the following:

  • An I&R to Existing RCL Case, if relevant to the case.
  • An I&R RCL Standards Compliance.

The intake specialist does not complete an additional I&R to Existing CPS Case unless one of the following applies:

See 9530 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship in a RCCR Operation.

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