TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS) :: 4561.3 Youth in Conservatorship Has a Child

TX :: Statewide Intake Policy & Procedures :: 4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS) :: 4561.3 Youth in Conservatorship Has a Child

When a youth has a child before entering DFPS conservatorship, or a child is born to the youth while in DFPS conservatorship, CPS field staff may request a case-related special request (CRSR) if both of the following apply:

  • The youth’s child is going to live with the youth parent in the same placement.
  • The youth’s child is not in DFPS conservatorship.

The intake specialist completes a separate CRSR–Request for Local Public Service for each child who is going to live with the youth in the youth’s placement. Separate CRSRs allow the youth parent’s caregivers to be reimbursed for the care of each of the youth’s children living with the youth in care.

The intake specialist does the following:

  • Asks whether the report needs backdating to ensure proper payment to the youth parent’s caregiver for the entire time that the youth’s child has been at that placement.
  • Uses the name of the youth parent as the case name for each CRSR.
  • Routes each CRSR to the county with the open conservatorship case for the youth parent.

If there are concerns of abuse or neglect of the youth’s child, see 4561.4 Youth in Conservatorship Abuses or Neglects Own Child.


2821.1 Determining the Date and Time of the Report

4800 CPI Case-Related Special Requests

4821 CRSR – Requests for Local Public Service (C-PB)

Child Protective Services Handbook, 6440 When a Youth in Substitute Care is Pregnant or Parenting

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