GA :: Child Welfare Policy Manual :: Chapter 14 Resource Development :: Section 14.14 Family Evaluation Addendums

GA :: Child Welfare Policy Manual :: Chapter 14 Resource Development :: Section 14.14 Family Evaluation Addendums


The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) shall: 

  1. Require caregivers of children in DFCS custody to inform their supervising agency (e.g. local DFCS, Child Placing Agency) of significant changes in their household or personal circumstances within one business day of the occurrence. 
  2. Document any changes in the family’s circumstances in Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of the information becoming known to the agency. 
  3. Determine if a family re-evaluation may be more appropriate than an addendum based on the nature of a family’s circumstances or the significance of the change. 
  4. Complete a written addendum to the Family Evaluation within 30 calendar days of significant changes within a family, including an explanation of how the change impacts the family. Significant changes may include events such as the following: 
    1. Change of address; 
    2. Change in marital status or relational issues; 
    3. Change in household composition (e.g. births, deaths, household members moving in or out); 
    4. Change in employment or financial status;
    5. Change in approved capacity; 
    6. Change in desired placement preferences; 
    7. Changes that result in new requirements for safety (e.g., pool, firearm, pets); and 
    8. A household member reaches 18 years of age. 

      NOTE: A criminal records check, safety screening and a medical evaluation must be completed on new adult household members and existing household members reaching 18 years of age. 

  5. Use the date of the final approving authority’s signature as the approval date of a Family Evaluation Addendum. The DFCS Director or Child Placing Agency (CPA) Director/Designee serves as the final approving authority.


The Resource Development Case manager will: 

  1. Consult with the Resource Development Supervisor to determine if a change in a placement resource’s household or personal circumstances can be adequately addressed with an addendum to the most recent Family Evaluation or if a Family Reevaluation is warranted.
  2. Confirm and document that new household members or current household members reaching the age of 18 have completed all applicable requirements within 30 calendar days of the qualifying event. This includes any applicable medical evaluation, safety screening and criminal records check (see policies 14.10 Resource Development: Initial Family Evaluation, 19.9 Case Management: Safety Screenings and 19.8 Case Management: Criminal Records Checks). 
  3. Obtain verification of changes in a placement provider’s circumstances (e.g. copy of marriage license, divorce decree, etc.) to support verbal reports from caregivers. 
  4. Document any changes/updates regarding a home under the FA Home tab in Georgia SHINES within 72 hours of the information becoming known to the agency: 
  5. Complete the written addendum and obtain approval within 30 calendar days.

RD Supervisors will: 

  1. Provide guidance to the case manager on whether to complete a Family Evaluation Addendum or a Family Re-evaluation; 
  2. Review the addendum for approval and determine if caregivers need supportive services as a result of their change in circumstances;
  3. Submit the Family Evaluation Addendum to the final approval authority.


A team approach is necessary to ensure that DFCS and CPAs maintain the most current information regarding placement resources. For children in foster homes, CPAs work with a Resource Maintainer in the Office of Provider Management (OPM). For adoptive homes, the CPAs work with a Resource Maintainer in the State Permanency Unit. There is no template for an addendum, but it involves more than just writing a new address, telephone number, etc. Staff should confirm that the caregiver will continue to be appropriate to meet the needs of children following the change that has occurred in his/her circumstances. For instance, if there is a change in the household composition, the addendum should reflect how the change will impact any child placed in the home. Some changes are more complex than others and may have a more profound effect on family dynamics. Therefore, resource development staff must exercise keen judgment when determining whether a Family Evaluation Addendum is the best approach to address a change. An addendum may seem like the simplest approach to update some basic information on a family. However, staff must use discernment to recognize when it is more appropriate to complete a Family Re-evaluation to document a thorough assessment of the impact that a change has on a family and the quality of care provided to children placed in the home. Local staff should not hesitate to consult with their regional support networks or the State Permanency section for assistance as needed. 

Always verify reported or suspected changes in a caregiver’s circumstances. The old adage ‘trust but verify’ is a good rule of thumb. Experience has shown that sometimes things are reported to have occurred before they have actually or legally occurred. For instance, caregivers may report that they are no longer married. However, caregivers are still legally married until either a final divorce decree or death certificate from the appropriate government entity officially changes their marital status.

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