MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 11 – ICPC :: 2.11.1 Placement of a Missouri Child into Another State (Regulation 2)

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 11 – ICPC :: 2.11.1 Placement of a Missouri Child into Another State (Regulation 2)

Making an ICPC Referral 

All ICPC Referrals are to be entered into FACES.

Using the ICPC 100D as a guide, staff will upload the ICPC referral to FACES as follows.

The following packet of material will need to be uploaded to the Referral screen in FACES once the initial ICPC referral has been entered.

While the type of documents remain the same, the method of transmitting the packet to ICPC has changed.

The following documents will need to be accessed from the Referral screen in FACES:

  • ICPC 100A
  • CD ICPC 104
  • CD ICPC 3

Staff will need to open each document by utilizing the Print buttons at the bottom of the referral screen. Staff will complete each form, sign/ date electronically, then save and upload the completed, signed/dated form to the Referral screen in FACES.

The following documents will need to be uploaded to the Referral screen in FACES:

  • A cover letter which includes the following:
    • Reason out-of-state placement is being pursued
    • Name of the proposed out-of-state placement resource and relationship to the child(ren)
    • Statement indicating the person/agency/court which has legal custody of the child(ren)
    • Permanency plan/case plan for the child(ren)
    • Indication of the child(ren)’s eligibility for Title IV-E or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and
    • Plans for meeting the cost of care in the other state, which includes the financially responsible party. Any costs, other than regular maintenance payments, need to be approved through proper administrative channels.
    • Please see e-forms for a sample copy of a cover letter. 
  • Child(ren)’s social summary
  • The original court order granting jurisdiction and giving custody to Children’s Division.
  • The most recent court order (within the last 12 months);
  • The home study court order, (if ordered);
  • Copies of any diagnosed medical and special needs/educational reports (IEP, report cards, psychological evaluations, counseling/ therapy reports etc.);
  • Appropriate citizenship documentation as detailed in this section, Medicaid Eligibility Documentation of U.S. Citizenship and Identity. IBTH screen shots are not appropriate documentation for ICPC requests as it is MO specific and is not recognized by other states
  • Child Assessment and Service Plan (CS-1);
  • The written service agreement, if applicable.

The ICPC Coordinator will review and submit to the receiving state’s ICPC office.

The ICPC Coordinator will submit the placement decision through the Referral Decision screen in FACES to the Children’s Service Worker.

Additional information required for a public agency adoptive request to another state:

If the request is for a new adoptive placement, the Children’s Service Worker will submit the same documentation as for any other type of home study request through ICPC. In addition to the documentation listed above, the following documentation is to be included.  If the adoptive study is for an existing ICPC placement, then the following information plus a new ICPC 100A and ICPC 3 (Financial/ Medical Plan) is to be submitted to the ICPC Unit in Central Office

  • The home study provided by the family for the adoption staffing, if one is available. Please note: A child specific addendum to an existing study will be requested from the receiving state
  • Termination of Parental Rights order signed by the court. If TPR has not yet occurred, then the most recent permanency hearing order which clearly states that adoption is the selected permanency plan for the child
  • A medical/ genetic social history on the biological parents
  • A statement regarding whether or not the Indian Child Welfare Act Of 1978 (ICWA) applies to the child/ren
  • Any additional documentation that was used during the adoption staffing to determine the home as a possible adoptive placement
  • If the home study was completed by a private agency in another state, a contract for supervision with that agency must be negotiated and approved prior to the ICPC referral being submitted to the ICPC Unit. This is done through the Contract Management Unit. A copy of this contract is required to be included in the ICPC referral.

The home study is not “official” until the ICPC Coordinator in the receiving state has made a determination for or against placement.

Placement prior to ICPC approval is a violation of state law and may result in the home study process being stopped or the home study being denied. The home study and approval of the ICPC 100-A are valid for only six (6) months (Section 210.620 Regulation VI, RSMo).

Assigning referral to ICPC Unit in FACES:

When the referral has been entered and all supporting documentation has been uploaded, staff will assign the referral to Cole Co, and Office is ICPC.

Reconsideration of a Denial for Placement in another State

Effective October 1, 2011, a process to have a denial of a home for placement reversed was implemented by the Association of Administrators of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (AAICPC). This process is as follows.

The sending state may request reversal of the denial within ninety (90) days from the date the ICPC 100A was signed as denied by the receiving state’s ICPC office. The request can be with or without a new home study as outlined below.  After 90 days, there is nothing that precludes the sending state from requesting a new home study.

  • Request reconsideration without a new home study. The sending ICPC office can request that the receiving state’s ICPC office reconsider the denial of placement. If the receiving state’s ICPC office chooses to overturn the denial, it can be based on review of the new information or clarification of information provided by the sending state’s ICPC office.
  • Request new home study re-examining reasons for original denial: A sending ICPC office may send a new ICPC home study request if the reason for denial has been corrected (i.e. move to new residence with adequate bedrooms). The receiving state’s ICPC office is not obligated to activate the new home study request, but it may agree to proceed with a new home study to reconsider the denial decision if it believes the reasons for denial have been corrected. This regulation shall not conflict with any appeal process otherwise available in the receiving state.

Receiving state’s decision to reverse a prior denied placement 

The receiving state’s ICPC office has sixty (60) days from the date formal request to reconsider denial has been received from the sending state’s ICPC office. If the receiving state’s ICPC administrator decides to change the prior decision denying the placement, an ICPC transmittal letter and the new 100A shall be signed reflecting the new decision.


Related Practice Alerts and Memos:

1-16-20 – CD20-07 – Interstate Compact Policy and Procedure Changes

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