MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 11 – ICPC :: 2.11.2 Placement of a Missouri Child with an Approved Resource

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 11 – ICPC :: 2.11.2 Placement of a Missouri Child with an Approved Resource

The Children’s Service Worker should receive approval for the placement from the ICPC Coordinator before making a recommendation to the court. After the Children’s Service Worker has obtained court approval for the placement, if applicable, the following must be done:

  • Complete the ICPC Information screen (ICPC 100B) in FACES when a confirmation date for placement is made or placement occurs. In some instances, the Children’s Service Worker may need to contact the CD travel desk to make airline reservations. Regardless of the mode of transportation for the placement, the ICPC 100-B should be submitted as soon as possible in order to ensure services are provided (See ICPC 100-B and Instructions).
  • Staff will need to open the ICPC 100B by utilizing the Print 100B button at the bottom of the screen. After signing/ dating the 100B, staff will need to upload through OnBase the completed, signed/dated 100B to the ICPC Information screen.
  • Complete any appropriate FACES screens (such as, but not limited to, the Vendor Licensure/Approval and Renewal, Alternative Care Client Information, etc.) needed to implement services the child may require in the other state.

Any costs, other than regular maintenance payments, need to be approved through proper administrative channels.

  • The Cooperative Agreement for Purchase of Foster Care Services, CM-3, should be sent to out-of-state providers to sign. Out of state resource homes are eligible to receive maintenance at the Missouri foster care rate, but they are not eligible for the Professional Parenting payment or for above the traditional rate of maintenance. They should not complete the Cooperative Agreement for the Purchase of Professional Foster Care Services, CM-14. They should not complete Cooperative Agreement Amendment for Level A foster care services.    
  • If the plan is for adoption of the child(ren) by the proposed resource, the ICAMA Coordinator in Central Office should be contacted to ensure the appropriate paperwork is completed.
  • Supervision/services may not occur until the Child Placement Status Report, ICPC 100-B, is procured by the receiving state. The Cooperative Agreement for Purchase of Foster Care Services, CM-3, should be sent to out-of-state providers to sign. Placement providers out of state are eligible to receive maintenance at the Missouri foster care rate, but they are not eligible for the Professional Parenting payment. They should not complete the Cooperative Agreement for the Purchase of Professional Foster Care Services, CM-14.
  • Contact the ICPC Coordinator in Central Office if progress reports or additional assistance is needed to ensure continued placement. Do not contact the ICPC Coordinator in the sending state.


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1-16-20 – CD20-07 – Interstate Compact Policy and Procedure Changes

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