MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 11 – ICPC :: 2.11.8 Border Agreement

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 2 (Placements), Subsection 11 – ICPC :: 2.11.8 Border Agreement

Missouri and Kansas have developed a Border Agreement (BA) to address barriers within the interstate placement process. In accordance with Missouri Statute RSMo 210.622, the BA allows expedited emergency placement with a relative caregiver or licensed facility (i.e. emergency shelter, residential facility including, but not limited to, a psychiatric residential treatment facility) located within 60 miles of the states’ border.

The BA defines relative as “a grandparent or any other person related to another by blood or affinity or a person who is not so related to the child but has a close relationship with the child or the child’s family.” This definition is to be used in determining eligibility of a proposed caregiver for border agreement placement. Once placement is made, caregivers must also meet Kansas’ statutory definition of relative to be eligible for consideration of an unlicensed relative placement. Relative providers that do not meet this definition will be required to be licensed as a foster home by Kansas for continued placement.

Placement Procedure

Prior to making a BA emergency placement with a relative caregiver, the “Required Actions for Placement” listed in the Child Welfare Manual Section 6, Chapter 16, and Subsection 2.1 must be completed. This includes an in person safety walkthrough to complete the Resource Home Safety Checklist (CS-45) and the following Kansas background screenings:

  1. Kansas Child Abuse and Neglect Registry (CANIS)
  2. Kansas Bureau of Investigation Name Based Check (KBI)
  3. An address search of the National Sex Offender Public Website – United States Department of Justice National Sex Offender Public Website (

If a relative or household member living in Kansas has previously resided within Missouri, the following additional screenings must be completed prior to placement:

 Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect

  1. Missouri
  2. Missouri Sex Offender

The “Required Actions Following Placement” listed in the Child Welfare Manual Section 6, Chapter 16, subsection 2.2 should be followed for relatives accepting border agreement placements. The only exception to these actions is relative licensure requirements. Kansas will complete any required or requested licensing for relatives pursuing licensure.

Financial and Medical Planning

A Departmental Vendor Number (DVN) should be assigned to the relative placement provider if one does not already exist. A relative foster home application should be opened for the purpose of placement. Monthly maintenance will be automatically generated for 90 days to relative providers who choose to pursue licensure which should be indicated on the application. Relatives will not be eligible for additional maintenance until they have completed licensure with Kansas.

In order for children to receive Title IVE Medicaid in a receiving state, the child must be IVE Eligible, placed in a licensed foster home, and receiving maintenance. Children are not eligible for Kansas Medicaid during the temporary placement of a Border Agreement. Children may continue to receive Missouri Medicaid or the relative may choose to apply for Kansas Medicaid. Children may not receive Medicaid in both states simultaneously. In order for Missouri Medicaid to remain active during out of state placement, please contact

Missouri Children’s Division remains financially responsible for meeting all of the child’s needs as long as child remains in Missouri CD custody.

Post Placement Activities

Within 48 hours of placement, a notification email must be sent to with the name and DCN of each child placed, the proposed placement provider’s name and address, and if the child will need to continue receiving Missouri Medicaid.

Within 30 days of placement, a fully completed ICPC Regulation 2 referral must be submitted. Border agreement placements are ineligible for ICPC Regulation 7 or Expedited Placement referral due to placement having already occurred.

Missouri must continue to provide supervision to include monthly, in-person visitation with the child in their placement until the ICPC home assessment is completed and a recommendation for or against continued placement is received by Kansas. If Kansas does not recommend continued placement following the completion of an ICPC home study, the case manager will have 5 business days to return the child to the state of Missouri.

Kansas Placements

Policy and procedure regarding placement of a Kansas youth in Missouri has been developed by Kansas in partnership with Missouri. Prior to placement in Missouri, Kansas will conduct a Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry screening by submitting the Prior History Check Request, CD-309 to during business hours and after business hours. Questions regarding Kansas placements in MO can be directed to the Missouri ICPC Unit at


Related Practice Alerts and Memos:

1-16-20 – CD20-07 – Interstate Compact Policy and Procedure Changes

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