MO :: Section 4, Chapter 5 (Older Youth Program), Subsection 7 – Post Secondary Educational Opportunities :: 5.7.5 Missouri Reach Credential Completion And Employment Program

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 5 (Older Youth Program), Subsection 7 – Post Secondary Educational Opportunities :: 5.7.5 Missouri Reach Credential Completion And Employment Program

The Missouri Reach Credential Completion and Employment Financial Assistance Program (CCE) program is a program to help youth successfully pursue an education or training pathway that leads to a recognized credential and entry into the workforce.   In addition to ETV, there are two components to MO Reach which are distinct but complementary:

  • The Reach Tuition Waiver, which is a full tuition waiver program available since 2011-12, and
  • Credential Completion and Employment (CCE), which is a short term, targeted assistance program to help youth earn a recognized certificate and/or specialized training that leads to employment .

Missouri Reach CCE:

  • Eligible youth are currently in care, exited care after age 18, or obtained legal guardianship or adoption after age 14.
  • Youth ages 19 – 25 are eligible (credential must be earned by 26th birthday).
  • Program participation is limited to 12 months – including pre- and post-training time – of comprehensive support and funding that leads to credential completion.
  • The credential must be earned in less than 9 months.
  • The maximum award amount is $8,000 over a 12 month period.
  • CCE participants are not simultaneously receiving:
    • postsecondary funding from ETV or Missouri Reach Tuition Waiver, or
    • other (specific) public education and training funding (i.e. workforce stipend). Exceptions may be approved by the Older Youth Program Coordinator or Older Youth Transition Specialist in cases of documented need or extenuating circumstances.  
  • Participants may be in a no-cost Workforce Program but need living assistance – 3rd party rent payments, gas cards, etc. (Less than 25% of funding will be given to program participants.)
  • If a youth needs 15 credits or less to earn a Bachelors or Associates degree and has expended all federal and state higher education funding (such as PELL & ETV), MO CCE funds may be used to pay tuition, fees and buy books.
  • Participants must complete a skills and abilities aptitude test, phone-meet weekly with their Foster Care to Success navigator and build an online success profile (record personal and training goals and accomplishments).
  • All applicants are screened to determine if they are in default of federal student loans and coached to enter into a loan repayment plan. This is a program requirement for participants.

Application is made through Foster Care to Success’ web portal at: 

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