MO :: Section 4, Chapter 12 (Financial Considerations), Subsection 1 – Referral Process :: 12.1.3 Funding Source

MO :: Section 4, Chapter 12 (Financial Considerations), Subsection 1 – Referral Process :: 12.1.3 Funding Source

The Children’s Service Worker will determine the source of the need and Eligibility Analyst will determine the funding source or mix of funding sources to be used for meeting the child’s Out-Of-Home Care costs. Possible sources are:

  • Parent’s contributions and estates
    Temporary Assistance

NOTE:  Determine funding available to a child placed in the custody and/or care of relatives. Also, determine funding available when a family makes their own plan and the child is determined eligible by Family Support Division (FSD) staff.

NOTE:  The Eligibility Analyst will determine Title IV-E or HDN funding.

  • Licensed Relatives and Kinship providers can receive Title IV-E or HDN maintenance, infant allowance, and special expenses.
  • IV-E or HDN – Adoption Subsidy/Subsidized Guardianship; 
  • Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) and Veteran’s Administration benefit (VA);
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI);
  • Missouri Medical/Dental Services Program (MM/DSP) including EPSDT 

NOTE:  This program is also referred to as Title XIX or MO HealthNet. (See Definitions.)

  • Title XIX-FFP Only;
  • Other state agencies such as the Department of Mental Health (DMH) or the Missouri Crippled Children’s Services (MCCS) of the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS);
  • Child Care funds. Only Protective Service Child Care through Children’s Treatment Services funding;
  • Other special contracted treatment funds managed through Children’s Treatment Services (CTS) designated for a specific treatment program; and
  • Other community or voluntary resources (includes county health programs).
  • See specific section addressed below for steps of each funding source.

NOTE:  The Social Security Specialists are responsible for completing applications and forms to the Social Security Administration (SSA). They also monitor deposits from the SSA into the KIDS account to ensure resource limits are not exceeded. Regions are divided by the case manager county.

NOTE:  Parental contributions or other resources received by the child (i.e., VA, Railroad, Social Security Income) and Title IV-E funding are to be reviewed and utilized first and before HDN funding. The statutory authority to use the above funds to be expended for the child’s care and services can be found in Section 210.560 RSMo.

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