MO :: Section 6, Chapter 17 (Respite), Subsection 5, – (Approval Renewal Process of Respite Care Providers) :: 17.5 Approval Renewal Process of Respite Care Providers

MO :: Section 6, Chapter 17 (Respite), Subsection 5, – (Approval Renewal Process of Respite Care Providers) :: 17.5 Approval Renewal Process of Respite Care Providers

Respite care providers must have their approval status renewed every two years.

Prior to the respite provider approval renewal, the resource worker will:

  1. Prepare a summary to be placed in the narrative section of the case file (Blue):           
  2. Document number and types of respite placements made  
  3. Document contacts with the family        
  4. Document staff concerns with the family   
  5. Document any trainings attended 
  6. Document any discussion of contract/qualification issues, placement concerns, and any other issues/concerns noted by staff.    
  7. Document changes in the household composition (i.e. divorce, death, illnesses, adoptions, births, etc.)      
  8. Document changes to the physical environment (moves, additions, remodels, etc.).  
  9. Document any hotlines reports, incidents, issues or concerns involving the respite resource family and any action taken. It should also be noted   if no action was taken and why.

B. Complete Background Checks

  1. Fingerprints – refer to Section 6 Chapter 19 Subsection 1 for instructions regarding Rap Back
  2. CA/N Check
  3. Case.Net Check           
  4. Family Care Safety Registry Check
  5. Sex Offender List Check

C. Complete a new CS-RC-2



CD09-07, CD18-16

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