Foster Care for youth with elevated needs is a foster care program designed for the youth who has identifiable and documented moderate or serious emotional and/or behavioral needs. Such a youth requires intensive and individualized intervention to succeed in a community-based family setting and to achieve their goal of permanency. Resource providers of youth with elevated needs have received specific training in addition to pre-service training to enable them to work with youth with elevated needs.
Placements for youth with elevated needs are not emergency placements nor are they immediate placements. These placements are transitional placement resources to prepare youth to function adequately in a less restrictive environment and or a permanent home. It is not intended to be a long-term or permanent placement resource. A selection/screening team must evaluate the youth’s needs. A pre-placement phase is essential, meaning that the youth should visit the home prior to being placed to determine if the placement is an appropriate fit for the youth. ICPC resource providers are not eligible for elevated needs placements.
The resource licensing worker will notify the elevated needs level B resource parent regarding access to purchase medical, dental, and vision insurance. The worker will inform the resource parent that the insurance company will provide enrollment information.
Chapter Memoranda History: (prior to 01-31-07)
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