The resource worker will conduct child abuse and neglect background checks in every state where each household member 17 years of age and older has resided for the past five (5) years, per Adam Walsh Protection and Safety Act. The search can be conducted by going to the web site, Adam Walsh State Contacts and Procedures for Child Abuse Registry Checks.
This web site is maintained by the California Department of Social Services and lists the contacts for every state to request Child Abuse and Neglect background checks. The list includes contact names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. It also includes specific forms if required and if the state requires a fee. Information regarding states that charge a fee is located in memo CD08-102.Department Vendor Numbers for those states that charge a fee are listed on the Other State Child Abuse Registry (OSCAR) list located in the Resource Development section of the Children’s Division Intranet homepage.
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Memoranda History (After 01/31/07):
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