If it is determined that the requested public performance or media involvement is not in the best interest of the child, the Children’s Service Worker and their immediate supervisor shall consult with the Regional Director/Designee for further consultation. The following examples, while not all inclusive, are reasons for refusing public performance or media involvement:
- The child safety and well-being would be at risk;
- The child has expressed that he/she does not want to participate;
- The requesting agency is using the child to promote its religious beliefs;
- The requesting agency is placing unreasonable demands for work on the child;
- The child’s identity would not remain confidential;
- The child’s current placement would be disrupted;
- The child’s treatment and education would be negatively impacted;
- The child may be a danger to him or herself or others;
- The child is physically and mentally unable to participate; or
- The Court of Jurisdiction forbids the public performance or media involvement of the specific child.
After consultation with the Regional Director/Designee and providing notice to the Court of Jurisdiction of the CD decision, the Children’s Service Worker will notify the requesting agency in writing that the specific public performance or media involvement is not approved.
Any disapproval of a child’s media involvement shall be documented in the child’s case file.
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