Contractors must provide round trip transportation service for clients between their residence, and other designated location. In addition, the contractor must also transport authorized members of client’s family or foster family. A member of the client’s family or foster family will either be accompanying the client or, together with the client, be accessing services as a family group.
Clients under the age of twelve (12) years will be accompanied by authorized members of their family or foster family.
Service codes for these services are:
TRAN – Transportation
TRMD – Transportation, Medical
TROM – Transportation, Other
Contractors shall only transport those clients for whom they have received prior written authorization from the state agency.
Purchase of transportation, by miles traveled, to transport clients to and from services, e.g. to medical appointments, counseling sessions, etc.
Services above are available on a statewide basis. MO HealthNet is used in lieu of CTS, when available.
Related Practice Points and Memos:
1-10-20 – CD20-05 – Children’s Treatment Services
9-22-20 = CD20-45- Medical Record Fees
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