MO :: Section 8, Chapter 3 (Research Protections and Data Requests), Subsection 1 – Research Protections and Request for Release of Data :: When PHI is Involved the Research Proposal Must

MO :: Section 8, Chapter 3 (Research Protections and Data Requests), Subsection 1 – Research Protections and Request for Release of Data :: When PHI is Involved the Research Proposal Must

  1. Outline a viable plan to secure signed authorizations* from the study participants (inclusive of family members) and/or guardians or legal custodians as applicable; or
  2. Outline a viable plan to ensure de-identification (anything, including DOBs, SSNs and case DCNs, that can be tied back to an individual to identify that individual with personal health information) of PHI associated to study participants.
  3. Data received for a specified research study must be used only for the purpose outlined in the application and not for any other or future studies
  4. *It is preferable that the Department’s “Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information” form http://dssweb/dpl/adman/POLICIES/5-103ex2.pdf (Employee Access Only) be used where authorizations are required. Otherwise, it must be ascertained that forms supplied by a researcher are “Privacy Rule”-compliant.  It is permissible under the Privacy Rule that valid authorizations be combined with informed consents (if the authorization is valid and the consent adequately informs what a participant can expect from being involved).

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