MO :: Section 6, Chapter 7 (Children’s Division’s Appeal Processes), Subsection 8, – (Family Support Team Decision Review) :: Review Process

MO :: Section 6, Chapter 7 (Children’s Division’s Appeal Processes), Subsection 8, – (Family Support Team Decision Review) :: Review Process

  1. The Circuit Manager will assign the request for a review to the Reviewer within one (1) business day of receiving the written request, CD-190. The Circuit Manager will provide a copy of the CD-190 to the Reviewer when assigned.
  2. If the request is received beyond five (5) business days of the meeting, the Circuit Manager will contact the requester to report that the deadline was not met and the FST decision will not be reviewed.
    1. If the requestor is the resource parent where the foster youth is placed, encourage them to exercise their right to be heard at the case’s court hearing as referenced in the Missouri Resource Parent Handbook
    2. Refer to policy regarding roles, responsibilities, and rights of resource providers, Section 1 Chapter 3
    3. Refer to Missouri Revised Statute, 211.464
  3. The Reviewer will be provided with the following documents and information within one (1) business day of being assigned the request for a FST decision review:
    1. A copy of the FST-3
    2. If the FST-3 was not used, copy of documented information from the meeting and a copy of the FST-1
    3. A copy of the foster youth(s)’ CS-1
    4. The contact information for all FST members.

4. The Reviewer will examine and review the documents regarding the FST meeting and the team’s Decision.

5. The Reviewer will interview the following individuals who attended the FST meeting within two (2) business days of the Reviewer receiving the CD-190 from the Circuit Manager/private contractor Director:

    1. Review requester
    2. Parent(s) and support individual of their choice,
    3. Placement provider(s) and support individual of their choice,
    4. Foster youth(s), if age appropriate
    5. Guardian Ad Litem for the foster youth(s)

The Reviewer may interview additional FST attendees, if the Reviewer deems it necessary to make the final conclusion.

6. The Reviewer will submit to the Circuit Manager a written report of his/her response following the review of the FST decision within five (5) business days of assignment of the review request.

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