Once a court orders a parent to pay child support to DFPS, the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG’s) Child Support Division enforces the order. If the parent fails to pay the support obligations, DFPS must work with the OAG to resolve the issue.
DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.1109External Link
If the OAG’s Child Support Division decides to enforce the obligation through court action, the OAG’s child support attorney contacts the child’s caseworker either:
• by sending Form 1701Word Document Child Support, AFDC Foster Care, and AFDC/Medicaid Case Information Exchange to the child’s foster care worker; or
• by contacting the caseworker by phone, mail, or email.
When the child’s caseworker receives Form 1701 or is otherwise contacted by the OAG, he or she must inform the attorney representing DFPS that the OAG has proposed a court action.
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