The kinship development caseworker (KDW) must make face-to-face contact with the kinship caregiver at least once every month for the first six months of the placement.
After the 6-month period, the KDW must staff with the kinship supervisor and the conservatorship (CVS) caseworker and CVS supervisor to determine if monthly visits by the KDW may be reduced. This decision is based on:
• improvements made on the kinship developmental plan (if there is one);
• any new resources needed or identified; and
• any change in the household composition.
If staff determines that the KDW may reduce contact based on the family’s progress, the KDW supervisor may set another contact schedule. The new contact schedule for the KDW may not be less than quarterly face-to-face with the kinship caregiver. The CVS caseworker’s visits must continue to be at least once a month.
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