DFPS may close a kinship stage only after one of the following occurs:
- Positive permanency is achieved (adoption, family reunification, or the child is placed in the permanent managing conservatorship of another person).
- The child moves from the home.
- The child ages out.
- The family becomes a verified foster family.
Once DFPS decides to close a kinship stage, the kinship development worker (KDW) must conduct an exit interview with the kinship caregiver.
Conducting the Exit Interview
During the exit interview, the KDW must discuss the caregiver’s understanding of why the case is being closed.
- If the caregiver decided not to become verified, discuss his or her reasons.
- If the case is being closed due to positive permanency or the child aging out, discuss what resources are available for the family in the community and the need for continuity of care if the child is receiving therapeutic or medical services.
- If the caregiver is receiving permanent managing conservatorship (PMC) without permanency care assistance (PCA), explain to the caregiver that he or she must apply for Medicaid benefits to determine whether the child qualifies for continued medical coverage.
- If the case is being closed because the child moved to a different placement, discuss what could have prevented the child from being moved.
- If the caregiver is eligible for a post-PMC annual reimbursement, make sure the caregiver has clear instruction as to when he or she must request it and has contact information to make the request.
The KDW must document the exit interview in the Kinship Closing Summary. The Kinship Closing Summary must also include:
- Information about financial assistance through the Relative and Other Designated Caregiver Program.
- Community resources provided to the family.
- A developmental plan summary.
- Whether the family became verified and by whom.
- The permanency plan.
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