The caseworker has the primary responsibility in educational planning for a child. He or she must meet definite deadlines set for the educational planning process. Information sharing and teamwork among the caregivers, the caseworker and the school is essential to the planning and decision making process. Caseworkers must complete an educational plan for a child within 30 days of court-ordered temporary custody using the information described below:
Medical History
In addition to looking for health and medical needs, the caseworker also reviews the child's Health Passport and other medical records to determine if a child age three or older may be eligible for special educational services, or a child under three may need Early Intervention Services.
Children three and over may be eligible for special education if they have any of these impairments: autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disability, hearing impairment, cognitive disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, and visual impairment.
Developmental delays or risk of delays may be noted by medical providers in the child's Health Passport. All children under three receive an Early and Periodic Diagnostic Screening during the Comprehensive Health Evaluation, required within 21 days of the child entering foster care. Results of the screening should also be noted in the child's Health Passport.
Educational History
New School
Within 10 days of the child's enrollment, the caseworker is required to contact and interview the child's new teacher to discuss the child's educational strengths and weaknesses, and whom to call if problems begin to occur.
Implications for caregivers: Caregivers are not automatically included in this meeting. If you would like to have input or join in this meeting, talk to the caseworker.
Former School
The caseworker asks the former school to complete the child's educational history via an Educational Report form. Within 10 days of the child leaving the former school, the caseworker contacts the former school by phone or in-person to interview the child's most recent teacher and discuss the completion and return of the Educational Report form. The caseworker also reviews other school records: Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) for a child receiving special educational services, report cards gathered from the child's former school or caregiver, and attendance and discipline reports.
Other Interviews
The caseworker is also required to interview the child, the child's birth parents and caregivers to gather additional information about the child's educational history and current needs.
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