IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 7 After Foster Care :: Making The Decision To Become A Child’s Guardianship Family :: Services Available To Adoptive And Guardianship Families

IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 7 After Foster Care :: Making The Decision To Become A Child’s Guardianship Family :: Services Available To Adoptive And Guardianship Families

Families wanting to adopt or become guardians often wonder what services will be available to them and their children aft er they become legally responsible for foster children. Some families may have even heard that services are available, but may not know how to request them. This section highlights what types of services are available and how to find them. The Post Adoption and Guardianship Services booklet describes these services in detail. Your caseworker should provide you with a copy. It is also available on the DCFS website: 

Families that adopt or move to guardianship can also call the DCFS Adoption Support Line. The Adoption Support Line allows all adoption-related calls to come to a centralized location. During the move to adoption, a caregiver may be in close contact with the adoption worker. After finalization, sometimes years down the road when there is a question about a subsidy or a new need for services, caregivers may not know who to call. Now they can call support line for answers. Trained responders with adoption experience will be able to answer questions or direct calls for follow up. 

The Adoption Support Line has extended hours so caregivers can call outside of the regular business day. Operating hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Monday through Thursday) and 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays.

Adoption Support Line: 888-96-ADOPT

Calls requiring a normal response will be routed to the assigned caseworker and supervisor for follow-up to occur within 24 business hours. 


Subsidy agreements are entered into prior to the adoption or the approval of guardianship and begin after the adoption is finalized or guardianship is transferred. After the adoption or guardianship is finalized, families are eligible for other types of services provided through DCFS. 

Information on an existing adoption or guardianship subsidy can be obtained from the subsidy worker at these DCFS offices. 

Information on the Birth Family 

Non-Identifying Information and Search and Reunion Services Adult adoptees, adoptive parents of children under 21 and birth families can contact the Midwest Adoption Center at 847-298-9096 for non-identifying information from their adoption files and/or to seek search and reunion services. 

Adoption Registry 

The Illinois Department of Public Health operates an Adoption Registry for adult adoptees and birth parents to record their names with the Registry for the purpose of sharing identifying information. For information to be shared, both the adult adoptee and the birth parent must be registered. The Adoption Registry includes a Medical Exchange. If a medical information form is completed by any party to the adoption, the $40 registration fee is waived. Call the Midwest Adoption Center at 847-298-9096 for information. 

Education Resources 

Youth formerly under DCFS care who are now adopted or living with guardians are eligible to apply for the DCFS Scholarship program. See page 25 for more information. More information is available in Section 6, page 4. Additional information is available on the DCFS "Get Goal'd" website, www.youthincare., dedicated to older youth. 

Preservation Services 

Sometimes, families may feel they need support in resolving child or familyrelated issues that are threatening the adoption or guardianship. "Preservation services" are available statewide to assess a family's needs. They off er crisis intervention, individual and family therapy, family and child support groups, advocacy and other specialized services aimed at preserving the adoption or guardianship. Families who privately adopted a child or adopted through another adoption agency may also be eligible for these services. The agencies that provide preservation services are listed in the Post Adoption and Guardianship Services booklet. For more information, call the Adoption Support line at 888-96-ADOPT

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