IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 8 Caregivers’ Rights And Responsibilities :: Keeping Information And Records About Children And Families Confidential :: What Caregivers Are Entitled To Know

IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 8 Caregivers’ Rights And Responsibilities :: Keeping Information And Records About Children And Families Confidential :: What Caregivers Are Entitled To Know

At a minimum, caregivers are to be given this information:
• detailed information, in writing, concerning the child prior to placement. If placement is an emergency the information should be provided verbally and then provided in writing as it becomes available. Within 10 days of placement the department should receive a signed verification from the prospective foster parents that the following information was provided;
• available, detailed information about the child’s education and health history, and copies of immunization records, including insurance and medical card information;
• a history of the child’s previous placements and reasons for change of placement excluding the identity and location of previous caregivers;
• a copy of the child’s portion of the Integrated Assessment and the client service plan, including visitation arrangements, and all amendments or revisions to it as related to the child;
• details of the child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) when the child is receiving special education services;
• any known social or behavioral information necessary to care for and safeguard the children to be placed or currently in the home including, but not limited to, fire setting, perpetration of sexual abuse, destructive behavior and substance abuse; and
• the foster caregiver may review the supporting documents in the child’s file in the presence of caseworker staff. If a caregiver wishes to review supporting documents in a child’s file advance notice must be given to the agency so the file can be prepared.

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