IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 10 Reference Guide :: Caregiver Resources Quick Reference

IL :: Foster Family Handbook :: Section 10 Reference Guide :: Caregiver Resources Quick Reference


Adoption Information Center of Illinois (AICI)  


M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Voicemail available 24-hours 

  • Information: adoption process and adoption agencies 
  • Adoption Listing Service: descriptions and photos of waiting children 
  • Refer prospective adoptive families to an agency for a home study 
  • Foster families interested in adopting children already in the home, or another child, should contact their supervising agency. 

Adoption Support Line 


8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. (Monday through Thursday) and 

8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Fridays 

Staff with high-level experience in adoption can help adoptive and guardianship families with: 

  • requests for numbers to field offices, replacement Medicaid cards; 
  • questions about subsidy agreements; 
  • obtaining services covered in the subsidy agreement; and 
  • handling family situations that may require Adoption Preservation Services.


DCFS Advocacy Office for Children and Families 


217-524-2029 (if calling from out of state) 

M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. /Voicemail 

Help or information for foster caregivers, workers, parents, and the public in: 

  • understanding/verifying DCFS rule, policy, and procedure; 
  • obtaining services for children in foster care, adoption or subsidized guardianship homes; 
  • understanding what can be appealed through the DCFS Service Appeal system or in filing a service appeal with DCFS, including emergency appeals; and 
  • parental inquiries and referrals.

Callers should have this information ready:

  • child's name, birth date, identification number; and 
  • caseworker and supervisor's name and phone numbers.


DCFS Administrative Hearings Unit 


M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

  • information about filing a service or licensing appeal; and 
  • how to file an appeal through DCFS. 

See Section 8: pages 27-29. 


For caregivers who are involved in legal actions as a result of being a foster caregiver. 

See Section 8: page 16.

Behavior/Mental Health 

Crisis and Referral Entry System (CARES) Helpline 


24 Hours 

System of Care (SOC) community and outreach-based service system to stabilize children whose placements are at risk due to emotional or behavioral issues. 

Provides assessments, 24-hour crisis intervention, Child & Family Team meeting facilitation and wraparound planning, individual and family counseling/therapy, linkage to community resources and assistance in obtaining services/goods (as necessary) that will help stabilize the placement.

See Section 5: pages 16-17 for available services.

Board Payments 

See Payments While Children are in Foster Care, Section 9: pages 1-3.

Child Abuse/Neglect 

DCFS Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline 

800-25-ABUSE (800-252-2873) 

TTY: 800-358-5117 

For mandated reporters and the public to report suspected cases of abuse or neglect. Foster caregivers are mandated to report suspected abuse or neglect of children placed with them. 

See Section 8: pages 32-34. 

Child Development and Health

General Resources for ALL Illinois Children HELP-ME-GROW and WIC information 


Referral to ALL Illinois programs which directly impact children, including Early Intervention programs for children 0-3 and programs related to disabilities and Women, Infants and Children. 

Claims: Damages to Property or 

Bodily Injury Caused by a Child in Foster Care 

Foster Child Damage Reimbursement Program                                                                                                                                        312-814-7294 

(Formerly the Foster Parent Reimbursement Program)                                                                                                         M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Call for information about filing a claim for damages to your property or the property of someone else, or for bodily injury to you, a member of your family, or someone else caused by a child in foster care. 

See Section 9: pages 13-14 for what is covered, claim limits, and how to make a claim.

CRISIS: Help in an Unexpected Crisis 

With a Child in Foster Care 

Crisis and Referral Entry System (CARES) Hotline 

800-345-9049 Hotline 

24 Hours 

Call if a child’s unexpected behavior threatens his or her safety or placement with your family. A crisis worker can come to your home within 60 minutes (city) or 90 minutes (rural) if you request. 

  • Community-based agencies provide mental health Screening, Assessment and Support Services (SASS) for children who appear to be ready to harm themselves or others. 
  • Call if a child's unexpected behavior threatens his or her placement with your family. If a SASS evaluation indicates that the child should be hospitalized, the child will be admitted for inpatient treatment. 

See Section 5: pages 16-17. 

Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) 

Cook County Only 


Outside Cook County 

To find your local CASA program, call the 

CASA Statewide Office: 217-528-0275 or 

Judges may appoint a CASA volunteer, who is a specially trained advocate, to work with all parties and to give an opinion to the court as to the reason/s for case delays. Caregivers may want to discuss the possibility of a CASA worker being requested with the child's Guardian ad litem if CASA intervention may help the child find a permanent family more quickly. CASA volunteers are always needed.

Deaf Services 

DCFS Deaf Services Coordinator 

Relay Voice Operator: 800-526-0857 

Ask for 312-814-4117; TTY: 800-526-0844 

Call to find services for children who are deaf or hearing impaired, or to identify your family as a possible foster family for a child with a hearing impairment. If you or someone in your family knows sign language for the deaf, foster families with this capability are needed. 

Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) 

General Information and Referral/Case Tracking 


  • Caseworker's names and location, DCFS divisions or personnel 
  • Screening and case tracking 

DCFS Offices                                                                                                                                          

See Section 1: pages 7-8 for office phone/fax list

Emergencies After Business Hours                                                                                              

Statewide: 800-252-2873 Cook County: 312-989-3450 

Rules, Policy, Procedures                                                                                                                                          

  See website: 

Questions of rule, policy or procedure                                                                                                                                

Advocacy Office: 800-232-3798 

To read online 

See website: 

Dental Care 


Dentaquest Dental of Illinois 


Referral to an Orthodontist - Your child's regular dentist must make a referral to an orthodontist who takes the Medicaid card.


DCFS/NIU Education Advisors                                                                                                                                                                     312-814-5959 

DCFS Bureau of Operations, Youth and Family Development 

Education advisors, located in the DCFS regions:

  • provide caregivers with advocating for a child's school needs, meeting with school personnel and developing education plans; and 
  • support foster families in DCFS-supervised homes. Homes supervised by private agencies have Education Liaisons at the agency to address school concerns. 

Legal Assistance Regarding Special Education and Discipline 

Help and advice for foster parents in understanding legal options in advocating for your foster child's rights. See Section 6: page 7. 


Educational services may be provided through the school district where the child attends school, your agency, or DCFS. See Section 6, Educational Services. Your child's caseworker, the supervisor, and/or the agency is responsible for helping you determine how to meet your child's educational needs or need for special educational services. 

Early Intervention Programs 

Early Intervention Programs for children 0-3 related to developmental delays and disabilities. 

See Section 6: pages 11-12. Call Help-Me-Grow 800-323-4769 for referral statewide. 


In any emergency with a child, do what is necessary first, and then contact the child's caseworker and the agency. Private agency caregivers should have an emergency aft er-hours number to contact their agency in case of emergency. DCFS-supervised caregivers should obtain emergency numbers from their foster parent support specialist or DCFS region. 


800-25-ABUSE (252-2873) 

Report suspected abuse/neglect of a child to the DCFS Hotline 

Behavioral Crisis: CARES Hotline 


24 Hours

Life-Threatening Behavior 

Call the police. Contact your agency. 

Medical Emergency 

Call 911 or go to your local hospital emergency room. Contact your supervising agency or DCFS region. 

Poison Hotline: Illinois Poison Center 


To obtain immediate instructions for saving the life of an adult or child who has taken poison. Have the product container handy, if possible, to read specific contents to the specialist answering the hotline. 



DCFS Child Location Services 

Toll-free, 24 Hours 

If the child runs away, make a police report. Contact your agency or DCFS foster care program. 

Foster Parent Organizations 

Foster Parent Support/Networking Groups 

There are numerous foster parent associations, advisory councils and support groups to serve families across the state. To find local organizations caregivers can: 

  • contact the local DCFS office where the foster parent support specialists can connect caregivers to regionally-based groups; 
  • contact the private agency that supervises the foster home license for information about groups sponsored by that agency; and 
  • check the Foster Parent Appreciation issue of the newsletter each May for an updated listing of groups and associations that serve foster/adoptive families. 

DCFS Regional Foster Care Advisory Council 

Each DCFS region sponsors an advisory council to keep caregivers informed of DCFS policy and to address local issues. Call the nearest regional office or the DCFS foster parent aupport apecialists for details.

Illinois Foster and Adoptive Parent Association 


Gladys Boyd, President 

This is the Illinois affiliate of the National Foster Parent Association (NFPA). Call for information on membership, scholarships for children, IFPA training conferences held in Illinois, or to find your local IFPA-affiliated foster parent support group. 

National Foster Parent Association (NFPA) 


The only national organization whose members are primarily foster parent members. Call the National Foster Parent Association office shown for information on: membership, scholarships for your children or foster children, or the NFPA annual training conference held in various locations in the U.S. 

Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council 

The Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council is mandated by law. Its primary functions are to advise DCFS on foster care and to ensure that caregivers’ rights and responsibilities under the Foster Parent Law are followed in everyday operation of child welfare agencies and DCFS foster care programs. Contact Caregiver and Parent Support at 217-524-2422. 

Foster Child Damage Reimbursement Program 

See Section 9: pages 13-14. 

Immigration Services, DCFS Office of 


Caregivers of foreign-born children under DCFS care with questions about the child's legal resident status should discuss the issue with the child's case manager. Case managers are responsible for verifying the child's citizenship or legal residency and then contacting the Office of Immigration Services for assistance when needed.

Inspector General 


M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m./Voicemail 

Call to report misconduct, illegal, or unethical acts or behavior by DCFS or private agency staff or others providing services to children in care and/or foster families. 

Media: TV/Radio/Newspaper/Other 

DCFS Communications Office 


M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Permission for publicity, interviews, or photos of a child in foster care. See Section 8: page 22. 

Medical Card

If you have lost the child's state medical card, or have questions, call 800-228- 6533.

Medical Care 

Cook County 


Outside Cook County 

Call your local HeathWorks agency listed in Section 5: page 3 

For referral to a HealthWorks primary health care physician.



The Illinois Families Now and Forever® newsletter is published six times a year to serve families raising children who are or were involved with the DCFS child welfare system. 

  • all issues are posted on the DCFS website with archives back to 2003; and 
  • the newsletter is mailed to homes, or caregivers can request the digital version. 


Payment Line (DCFS) 

800-525-0499 / 24 Hours 

See Section 9: page 17. 

DCFS-supervised foster homes: Pre-recorded information about foster care payment check mailing schedule. Private agency foster homes: Because your agency sends you your foster care payment check, contact your agency about the distribution schedule. Payment problems? First, private agency families should contact the caseworker or other agency staff. 

DCFS-supervised families should contact their caseworker or foster parent support specialist first and then the payment line. 

Public Assistance 

Public Assistance Hotline 


M-F 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 

For the general public – answers to questions about public assistance and service.

Public Guardian 

Guardian ad litem (GAL) 

Cook County ONLY: 


Outside Cook County: 

Call the juvenile court 

To find your child's GAL to: enlist help in obtaining needed services for your child; report key facts; or discuss your testimony prior to court. See Section 2: pages 3-4. 


DCFS-sponsored: College (See Section 7: page 25) 


Needs-based financial aid: Free Application for Federal Student Aid

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits 

Children eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) may have "excess funds" in their DCFS account which may be used for certain allowable expenses. See Section 9: pages 16-17 of this section to determine how to inquire about existence and allowable uses of excess SSI funds. 

Teens: Programs and Services 



Virtual Training Center (24 hours) 

877-800-3393 (regular business hours) 

The DCFS Office of Professional Development, Caregiver and Parent Support develops and presents Foster PRIDE pre-service and in-service training modules and other courses in locations across the state. In addition to classroom courses, caregivers can also take advantage of videos, books and online training. See Section 4: pages 21-22 for details.

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