TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 8200 Direct Services for Active Cases :: 8243.21 Determining Eligibility

Eligible clients must include one or more children over the age of three* with developmental delays and their family members or caregivers who are:

  •  Families in open CPS cases; or

  •  Foster and prospective adoptive parents when the service helps to maintain appropriate placement.

Note: Services of a Program for Children with Developmental Delays may also be provided to foster or adoptive parents to support and stabilize placements of children in care and to prevent disruptions. Medicaid will cover only the eligible client. Title IV-B funds should be used to cover services of a Program for Children with Developmental Delays for family members and foster and adoptive parents.

*Children under age three may be served if in the child's area there are no Early Childhood Intervention services, or no comprehensive care program and service covered under Texas Health Steps.

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