If the placement is a setting that is eligible to receive Medicaid, DFPS provides medical coverage to the following people:
- Children who are in DFPS’s managing conservatorship.
- Young adults in the Extended Foster Care Program.
Any child who is in the managing conservatorship of DFPS is certified as having at least Medical Assistance Only (MAO). The certification is effective until DFPS’s legal responsibility is terminated. This includes children absent from their placements without authorization or in unauthorized placements.
Situations may arise in which it would be in the best interest of the child to discontinue foster care Medicaid in order to provide a child in DFPS conservatorship with another type of Medicaid coverage. This might be needed to facilitate a placement or to provide the child access to other medical services. In these situations, it is necessary for the CPS state office division administrator of the Federal/State Support Division to give approval before terminating the Medicaid benefits of any child in DFPS conservatorship.
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