TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1500 Eligibility for Child Protective Services :: 1535.2 Medical Assistance Only (MAO) Auto-Eligibility

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1500 Eligibility for Child Protective Services :: 1535.2 Medical Assistance Only (MAO) Auto-Eligibility

Medical Assistance Only (MAO) Auto-Eligibility establishes an MAO-type of Medicaid in TIERS before DFPS determines the actual foster care assistance eligibility.

The IMPACT case management system creates an MAO Auto-Eligibility Event when the following are true:

  • A child has an open SUB-REG or SUB-C-PB stage in IMPACT.
  • A child does not have an open foster care or adoption assistance type of eligibility in IMPACT.
  • A caseworker enters a child’s placement in IMPACT.

If the system does not generate MAO Auto Eligibility, Medicaid will not be added until the foster care eligibility specialist processes a Foster Care Assistance Application.

When the application is processed, MAO Auto Eligibility ends and the correct eligibility type is entered in IMPACT based on the eligibility determination

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