Foster care eligibility specialists must certify children for Medical Assistance Only (MAO) coverage when children meet the following criteria:
- The child leaves foster care, but remains in the conservatorship of DFPS.
- The child returns to his or her own home, relatives, or kinship placement.
Application for and Determination of Eligibility for Foster Care Assistance
When a child is placed in the conservatorship of DFPS, the following actions occur:
- The CPS worker assigned to a child’s case must complete a Foster Care Assistance Application.
- A foster care eligibility specialist assigns MAO eligibility.
Caregivers May Apply for TANF When MAO Is Active
The application and determination are required regardless of whether the relative or kinship caregiver is applying for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or kinship care payment. The relative or kinship caregiver may apply for TANF payments even if an MAO-type Medicaid is active for the child.
Basis for and Duration of MAO Eligibility
If a child in DFPS conservatorship is placed directly with a relative or kinship caregiver, the foster care eligibility specialist assigns MAO eligibility using the Foster Care Assistance Application submitted by the child’s assigned CPS worker. This eligibility remains open until a court terminates DFPS responsibility as conservator. The foster care eligibility specialist follows the procedures for determining eligibility that apply to all children in DFPS conservatorship.
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