The HCS program provides individualized services and support to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are living in any of the following settings:
- With their families.
- In their own homes.
- In other community settings such as small group homes.
In most cases, a person is placed on a waiting list to obtain HCS services since there are more people than Medicaid slots available.
A child who is eligible for an HCS waiver slot placement must have active Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligibility before placement. When the child is placed, DFPS allows the HCS provider to become the representative payee of the child’s SSI benefit. The HCS provider uses the child’s SSI monthly benefit to pay for room and board. The caseworker placing the child notifies the HCS provider of the need to become the child’s representative payee for the child’s SSI benefits. When the child is placed, the caseworker documents the child’s HCS placement as a Non-FPS Paid placement type, as DFPS does not pay for the child’s cost of care in these settings.
For more information about HCS placements, see:
4118 Additional Actions for Placing Children with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities
Foster and Licensed Facility Placements Resource GuidePDF Document,Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) Program
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